Project Description


Protestant Johanneskirche

Erbach, Germany

Conservation of the three choir windows with figurative and ornamental painting, dating to ca. 1905, and installation of an external protective glazing plus restoration of the transom light from ca. 1865 at the south portal

Blick auf drei Chorfenster in Erbacher Johanneskirche mit Ausrichtung auf mittleres Fenster
Detailed shot of a colorful church window with elaborate stained glass, showing a section with yellow, orange and black geometric and floral patterns and the inscription "IVS". Some damages are visible.
Detailreiches Kirchenfenster mit buntem Glas, stilisierten Mustern und der Inschrift "DERIX 2013 oder 2015".
Detailed church window with artistic lead glazing, shows a red cross with an ornamental letter A and surrounded by green foliage decoration.