Cast Glass

Primarily for this process clear glass is used. The glass is fired in the kiln with very high temperatures, placed over fireproof moulds. The glass will attach itself to format of these moulds, which can be a bended or sculptured form.


Corresponding glass of different consistence (i.e., sticks, frits, powder, etc.) and different colours will be melt during firing in the kiln with high temperatures.

Nahaufnahme von heißverformtem Glas, bearbeitet auf plastisch bearbeiteten Keramikplatten

Cast glass shaped with sculptured moulds, picture: manufacturing of architectural art glass for the facade of a church in Orleans, MA, Design by Gabriele Wilpers

Abbild einer großflächen Glasabsenkung, hergestellt durch Heissverformung

Large scale moulding, panel designed by Tobias Kammerer

Nahaufnahme von Abformung eines Kreuzes für einen Grabstein, Abformung mittels Klarglas

True-to-contour moulding of a cross, intended for tombstone

Texturierter Glasausschnitt mit Reliefdekor, durch Heißformung bearbeitet, auf einer flachen Unterlage.

Very delicate mouldings are also possible.